I was introduced to Maureen through a friend after the sudden, unexpected death of my youngest brother at the end of 2019. I have lived through loss and grief in my life but was unprepared for anything like this experience. After making it through the initial shock in the first couple of months following my brother’s passing, I reached out to Maureen and began talking with her once a week. At the start it was uncomfortable, unfamiliar, and a bit awkward for me to try to express what I was living through and where I needed help. But through Maureen’s patience, and because of her genuine care and counsel, we created a bond that kept these conversations going. After the first month I found my looking forward to our weekly chats, and I began to lean on her guidance and expertise in how to handle what felt like an insurmountable event in my life. The relationship I now have with Maureen Desmond was one that kept me afloat through what has been one of the most challenging times in my life and am beyond grateful to have had her as a friend and confidant in my time of need.